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Showing posts from July, 2013

Shopaholic T-Shirts

If You Love Retail Therapy Then These Shirts Are For You! I love the selection of shopaholic shirts that are available to buy so much I had to compile some for any fellow shopaholics out there (or friends and family of shopaholics as these are a cool gift idea). I think I've found some of the best available and even if I say so myself I think these ones are gorgeous! If you love to indulge in a spot of retail therapy yourself then do some online shopping when the mall's closed and check out a few of these shopaholic t-shirts. If you're after a gift idea instead then you can be sure that these t-shirts are sure to bring a smile to any shopping buddy's face. The Seasoned & Professional Shopaholic Girl t-shirt that's pictured is one of my favorites on this page. I think it really suits the pink background as well, but you can change the color if you prefer and I've found that a number of people seem to elect for a white background. The t-shirt itsel...